1987- Current- Scientist, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India
1985-1987 Research Associate (Molecular Biophysics Unit, IISc., Bangalore, India)
1980-1985 Ph.D Student (Molecular Biophysics Unit, IISc., Bangalore, India)
Selected Publications
U. V. Katre And C. G. Suresh , Features of homotetrameric molecular association in protein crystals, Acta Crystallogr., D65, 1 - 10 (2009).
K. N. Rao And C. G. Suresh, Bowman-Birk protease inhibitor from the seeds of Vigna unguiculata forms a highly stable dimeric structure, Biochim. Biophys. Acta., 1774, 1264 - 1273 (2007).
Research Interest
Contact Details
Dr. C. G. Suresh.
Senior Principal Scientist
Office: Room 1844, Division of Biochemical Sciences
National Chemical Laboratory
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road
Pune 411008, India
Phone +91 20 2590 2236
Fax +91 20 2590 3008
E-mail cg.suresh@ncl.res.in