About Me
In my group, we work in the field of soft condensed matter physics with the study of glassy supercooled systems being the primary focus area. When a liquid is cooled very fast it avoids crystallization due to suppression of nucleation and enters the supercooled liquid regime where it exhibits slow dynamics. On further cooling the supercooled liquid undergoes glass transition. The details of the relaxation dynamics of glassy system and the properties of the glass have been and continue to be in the focus of intense research activity. These investigations are motivated by the fact that glasses are not only important for many daily and technological applications but are also an intellectual challenge for fundamental studies. There are many aspects of the glassy system that are investigated by researchers across the globe. The work in my group is broadly categorized into i)Study of the correlation between structure, thermodynamics and dynamics ii) Study of the role of locally favoured structure in the glass forming ability and slow dynamics. iii) Development of theoretical models to describe supercooled liquid dynamics. iii) Study of mean-field like systems and their correlation with normal glass formers.