1993-Current Scientist, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India
1993-1993 Research Associate, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai
1991-1992 Research Associate, Indian Institute of Science, Bangaluru.
1983-1990 CSIR JRF/SRF, Indian Institute of Science, Bangaluru.
Selected Publications
K. N. Jayaprabha And P. A. Joy, Curcumin Encapsulated Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Based Nanofluids for Possible Multifunctional Applications, Journal of Nanofluids., 3, 1 - 7 (2014), DOI:10.1166/jon.2014.1076.
K. Govind Raj And P. A. Joy, Ferromagnetism at room temperature in activated graphene oxide, Chemical Physics Letters., 605-606, 89 - 92 (2014), DOI:10.1016/j.cplett.2014.05.027.
K. K. Mohaideen And P. A. Joy, Influence of initial particle size on the magnetostriction of sintered cobalt ferrite derived from nanocrystalline powders, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials., 346, 96 (2013), DOI:10.1016/j.jmmm.2013.07.016.
K. K. Mohaideen And P. A. Joy, High magnetostriction coefficient of Mn substituted cobalt ferrite sintered from nanocrystalline powders and after magnetic field annealing, Current Applied Physics., 13, 1697 - 1701 (2013), DOI:10.1016/j.cap.2013.06.030.
S. Vijayanand, R. Kannan, H. S. Potdar, V. K. Pillai And P. A. Joy, Porous Co3O4 nanorods as superior electrode material for supercapacitors and rechargeable Li-ion batteries, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry., 43, 995 - 1003 (2013), DOI:10.1007/s10800-013-0593-7.
M. B. Mahajan And P. A. Joy, Evolution and magnetic characteristics of NiO–Ni(OH)2
core–shell nanostructures, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics., 15, 20808 - 20812 (2013), DOI:10.1039/c3cp53612b.
Research Interest
Materials Chemistry including Nanomaterials
Contact Details
Dr. P. A. Joy,
Physical and Materials Chemistry Division
National Chemical Laboratory
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road
Pune 411008, India
Phone +91 20 2590 2273
Fax +91 20 2590 2636
E-mail pa.joy@ncl.res.in