We work in the field of Chemical Engineering Science
Professional Experience
B. E. (Chemical), TKIET, Shivaji University, 1998
M. Chem. Engg (UICT, University of Mumbai 2000)
Ph.D. (Tech) (UICT, University of Mumbai 2005)
Lecturer in Chemical Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, University of Mumbai (2003 -2005)
Scientist-IV (1), CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur (2005-2008)
Scientist-IV (2), CSIR-NCL, Pune (June 2008 to onward)
Selected Publications
Sanjay P. Kamble, Prashant P. Barve, J. B. Joshi And Bhaskar D. Kulkarni, Purification of lactic acid via esterification of lactic acid using a packed column, followed by hydrolysis of methyl lactate using three continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) in series:, A continuous pilot plant study Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research., 51, 1506 - 1514 (2012).
S. P. Kamble, O. Manjarekar, N. Nutakki, R. Mawale, P. P. Barve, M.Y. Gupte And B. D. Kulkarni, Kinetic modeling and optimization of operating parameters for transvinylation of lauric acid, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics In press DOI 10.1002/kin.20704., , (2012).
Tushar Sakpal, Asheesh Kumar, Sanjay Kamble And Rajnish Kumar, Carbon dioxide capture using amine functionalized silica gel, Indian Journal of chemistry A Accepted., , (2012).
Research Interest
Process Development & scale-up
Process Intensification
Photocatalysis for Energy and Environmental Applications
Defluoridation of Wate
Development of Material for Remediation of Pollutants
Contact Details
Dr. Sanjay P. Kamble
Office: OID Hall, Chemical Engineering and Process Development Division
National Chemical Laboratory
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road
Pune 411008, India
Phone +91 20 2590 2732
Fax +91 20 2590 2612
E-mail sp.kamble@ncl.res.in