PhD Positions Are Available : Scholars with CSIR/NET/GATE or any other fellowship and a good academc record in Chemical engineering / technology, chemistry and environmental sciences are encourged to apply to : sp.ghuge@ncl.res.in
Research Areas :
Advanced Oxidation Processes for Wastewater Treatment Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have emerged as promising technology for the treatment of effluent containing organic compounds. The AOPs are based on the in- situ generation of hydroxyl radicals which have higher oxidizing potential than other oxidizing agents like ozone and hydrogen peroxide. My reserach group explores various AOPs in order to achieve complete degrdadation of organic pollutants in the wastewater. Special attention has been focused on different kinds of mesoporous materials to explore their use as catalyst and catalyst support in reactions of organic pollutants. The group studies degradation mechanism and kinetics of AOPs. Process Safety and Risk Assessment (Hydrogen Safety) The research group is also engaged in the area of development of process risk scenarios due to accidental release of hazardous chemicals. The effect of accidental release on industrial as well as surrounding population is assessed at various atmospheric conditions. Hydrogen has potential applications in several fields in addition to its use as clean fuel. However, there are some safety concerns associated with handling of hydrogen. Therefore, our emphasis is on quantifying risk during hydrogen storage and transport. DNV based PHAST and SAFETI software are used to model the leak scenarios. 3D models like FLACS is also get accurate estimation. The mitigative measures are recommended for handling and storage of hazardous chemicals. Disaster Management Plan (DMP) is delineated incorporating onsite and offsite emergency scenarios. The projects of following major chemical industries are carried out :
Contact Details : Dr. Santosh P. Ghuge, Principal Scientist, Chemical Engineering and Process Development Division, CSIR - National Chemical Laboratory, Pune - 411 008 Phone : +91 - 20 -2590 - 3018 Email : sp.ghuge@ncl.res.in