Dr(Mrs)Vedavati G. Puranik
Research areas
- Chemical Biology
- Natural Products
- Physical Chemistry
- Mathematical Modeling & Optimization
- Presently we are synthesizing several novel drug molecules for anticancer activity. Also we extract and isolate bioactive molecules from natural source. Characterise these molecules by Spectral methods, grow single crystals and establish molecular structure unambiguously by single crystal X-ray diffraction. These molecules will be tested for anticancer activity, DNA binding studies and other biological studies. The co-ordinates from single crystal X-ray analysis will be used for docking studies. We work for pharma industries to find API with required polymorphs.
- A large number of Novel compounds have been studied by single crystal X-ray diffraction, which include structures of variety of compounds, covering organic, inorganic, organometallic, biologically important compounds , bio-organic, natural products metal clusters and catalytically active metal complexes. Very thin crystals of natural products, Unstable crystals for which data were collected at liquid nitrogen temperature.
- Dr.(Ms.) Vedavati Gururaj Puranik
Sr. Principal Scientist
Office: Room. No. 1720, CMC
National Chemical Laboratory
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road
Pune 411008, India
Phone +91 20 2590 2016 or 2590 2252
Fax +91 20 2590 2642
E-mail vg.puranik@ncl.res.in