Research Group Publications

  • Shelke, Anil M.; Rawat, Varun; Suryavanshi, Gurunath; Sudalai And Arumugam, Asymmetric synthesis of (+)-stagonolide C and (-)-aspinolide A via organocstalysis; 23(22-23), 1534-1541, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry., , (2012).
  • Kiran I. N. Chaithanya; Reddy R. Santhosh; Suryavanshi, Gurunath And Arumugam Sudalai, A concise enantioselective synthesis of (+)-goniodiol and (+)-8-methoxygoniodiol via Co-catalyzed HKR of anti-(2SR, 3RS)-3-methoxy-3-phenyl-1, 2-epoxypropane; 52(3); 438, Tetrahedron Lett., , (2011).
  • Varun Rawat, Pandurang V. Chouthaiwale, Vilas B. Chavan, Gurunath Suryavanshi And Arumugam Sudalai, A facile enantioselective synthesis of (S)-N-(5-chlorothiophene-2-sulfonyl)-?,?-diethylalaniol via proline catalyzed asymmetric ?-aminooxylation and ?-amination of aldehyde; 51(50); 6565-6567, Tetrahedron Lett., , (2010).
  • Tanveer Mahamadali Shaikh, Pratibha Uttam Karabal, Gurunath Suryavanshi And Arumugam Sudalai, NaIO4/LiBr-mediated Aziridination of Olefins Using Chloramine- T; 51; 6460-6462, Tetrahedron Lett., , (2010).
  • Pandurang V. Chouthaiwale, Pratibha U. Karbal And Gurunath Suryavanshi and Arumugam Sudalai, Regiospecific Azidoiododination of Alkenes using NaIO4-KI-NaN3 : A High-Yield Synthesis of ?-Iodoazide; 22; 3879-3882, Synthesis., , (2010).
  • R. Santhosh Reddy, Pandurang V. Chouthaiwale, Gurunath Suryavanshi And Vilas B. Chavan and Arumugam Sudalai, Co(III)(salen)-catalyzed HKR of two stereocentered alkoxy- and azido epoxides: a concise enantioselective synthesis of (S,S)-reboxetine and (+)-epi-cytoxazone; 46, 5012-5014, Chem. Commun., , (2010).
  • R. Santhosh Reddy, Tanveer Mahamadali Shaikh, Varun Rawat, Pratibha U. Karabal, Gajanan Dewkar, Gurunath Suryavanshi And Arumugam Sudalai, A Novel Synthesis and Characterization of Titanium Superoxide and its Application in Organic Oxidative Processes; 14, 21-32, Catal. Surv. Asia., , (2010).
  • Shyla Georgea And Gurunath Suryavanshia and Arumugam Sudalai, A short enantioselective synthesis of guggultetrol, a naturally occurring lipid; 21(5), 558-56, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry., , (2010).
  • Varun Rawat, Pandurang V. Chouthaiwale, Gurunath Suryavanshi And Arumugam Sudalai, A Concise Enantioselective Synthesis of (+)-Decarestrictine Lvia Proline-catalyzed Sequential ?-Aminooxylation and Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons Olefination, 20, 2173–2177, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry., , (2009).
  • Tanveer Mahamadali Shaikh, Pratibha U. Karabal, Gurunath Suryavanshi And Arumugam Sudalai, Titanium superoxide: a heterogeneous catalyst for anti Markovnikov aminobromination of olefins; 50 (23); 2815-2817, Tet. Lett., , (2009).
  • Shyla George, Gurunath Suryavanshi And Arumugam Sudalai, A short enantioselective synthesis of (?)-bestatin via l-proline-catalyzed ?-amination of an aldehyde; 49(48); 6791-6793, Tet. Let., , (2008).
  • Pandurang V. Chouthaiwale, Gurunath Suryavanshi And A. Sudalai, NaIO4–KI–NaN3 as a new reagent system for C–H functionalization in hydrocarbons; 49(45); 6401-6403, Tet. Lett., , (2008).
  • I. Victor Paul Raj, Gurunath Suryavanshi And A. Sudalai, Organocatalytic activation of TMSCN by basic ammonium salts for efficient cyanation of aldehydes and imines; 48 (40); 7211-7214, Tet. Let., , (2007).
  • Shriram P. Kotkar, Gurunath Suryavanshi And Arumugam Sudalai, A short synthesis of (+)-harzialactone A and (R)-(+)-4-hexanolide via proline-catalyzed sequential ?-aminooxylation and Horner–Wadsworth–Emmons olefination of aldehydes; 18(15); 1795-1798, Tet. Asymmetry., , (2007).