Dr. Neetu Singh
Research areas
- Structure-activity relationships in design of biologically relevant nanostructures
- Smart Functional Nanomaterials (drug delivery, biosensors and biomedical implant coatings)
- Tissue engineering
- Our group is interested in integrating concepts and skills from chemistry, materials science, and biology to design nano-structured materials with enhanced functionality for applications in biomedical implants, cancer diagnostics, and drug delivery. We are particularly focused on seeking a systematic understanding of the bio-activity of nanostructures and developing specific "structure-bioactivity" relationships. We believe that such a rational approach is necessary for systematically advancing nano-materials and biomedical technologies of the future.
- We use nanotechnology as a tool to address questions in biomedical and biological disciplines. Nano-structures, due to their similar size scale as bio-macromolecules and cellular components, provide an unprecedented opportunity to target and potentially modulate important biological processes.
- Dr. Neetu Singh
Assistant Professor (AcSIR)
Senior Scientist (E1)
Polymer Science and Engineering Division,
B 101, Polymers & Advanced Materials Laboratory,
National Chemical Laboratory, Pune - 411008, India
By Phone: 91-20-2590-3001(Office)
91-20-2590-3002 (Lab)
E-mail neetu.singh@ncl.res.in