Dr. Dinesh Jagadeesan Ph.DProject Investigator, Sustainable Chemistry Group.
Our research group based at National Chemical Laboratory in Pune has the motto to explore the synthesis of nanomaterials with potential applications in energy and environment. The research will focus on design and chemical synthesis of materials with targeted properties. Systematic studies will be carried out using a variety of instrumentation techniques to correlate and understand the relation between the synthesis method, structure and final properties. The group has strong focus along the following directions.
The members of this group are motivated students pursuing Ph.D degree and graduate students pursuing research projects. The group will offer many exciting research opportunities for young students of chemistry and engineering with strong passion to contribute to sustainable energy and environment.
Contact Dr. Dinesh Jagadeesan Scientist - Ramanujan Fellow, Room 111, Main Building, Physical and Materials Chemistry Division, CSIR - National Chemical Laboratory, Pune - 411 008. Tel: Fax: E- mail: d.jagadeesan@ncl.res.in |