Group News


December 2024: Ms. Kruti Paradkar won 2nd Prize in Meme/Cartoon Competition on Gender Sensitivity held under 'Sexual Harassment at Workplace Prevention Week 2024 at CSIR-NCL'. Congratulations!

November 2024: Mr. Tufeil Khan and Mr. Dipak Shikare published thier research article, Exploring Thermocatalytic Pyrolysis to Derive Sustainable Chemical Intermediates from plastic Waste.Congratulations to both the authors!

November 2024: Congratulations to Ms. Lavanya K. for successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis. She has been awarded Ph.D. degree by AcSIR, Ghaziabad, India.

November 2024: Mr. Akshay Kote received 3rd Prize in Quiz Competition held in Vigilance Awarness Week.Congratulations!

August 2024: Ms. Preeti Parmar has joined the group as a PhD Scholar.Welocme to the group!

July 2024: Ms. Lavanya K successfully submitted her PhD Thesis. Congratulations!

July 2024: Congratulations to Ms. Priya Lokhande for successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis. She has been awarded Ph.D. degree by AcSIR, Ghaziabad, India.

May 2024: Congratulations to Ms. Jyoti Kadam for successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis. She has been awarded Ph.D. degree by AcSIR, Ghaziabad, India.

May 2024: Ms. Lavanya K gave her PTOC presentation.

April 2024: Ms. Lavanya K has published her research article ' The Role of Nitrogen Doping in Modulating Ruthenium Nanocatalysts for Enhanced Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Alkaline Medium in Chemistry of Materials, ACS. Congratulations to the authors.

March 2024: Ms. Lavanya K and Ms. Neha Ghosh published their critical review paper 'Shell waste valorization chemicals: methods and progress in Green Chem., 2024, Advance Article. Congratulations to the authors.

January 2024: Ms. Harshada Shivtare and Ms. Shrushti Lonare joined the group as Project Associate-I.Welcome!



December 2023: Ms. Priya Lokhande successfully submitted her PhD Thesis. Congratulations!

December 2023: Ms. Priya Lokhande received consolation prize for the 'Best Poster Award' at the BASF Network for Asian Open REsearch (NAO) Family Day India 2023 held at the BASF innovation Campus Mumbai. Congratulations!

November 2023: Ms. Lavanya K received '2nd Runner up Award' for 3 minute thesis competition in 5th NCL RF Conference held at CSIR-NCL,Pune. Congratulations!

November 2023: Ms. Jyoti Kadam successfully submitted her PhD Thesis. Congratulations!

October 2023: Mr. Sameer Shaikh joined our lab as PA.Welcome to the group..

September 2023:Ms. Priya Lokhande published her work 'Selective and Robust Ru Catalyst for the Aqueous Phase Aerobic Oxidation of Furfural to 2-Furoic Acid'  in  ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023. Congratulations to the authors.

September 2023: Ms. Kruti Paradkar got '1st prize in Essay Writing' , Mr. Dipak Shikare and Ms. Lavanya received 'on the spot prize' in GK Quiz in the Rajbhasha Hindi Pakhavada 2023.Congratulations to all!

September 2023: Ms. Lavanya K received the award for the 'Best Paper in the Oral Presentation' at the International Conference on Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2023 (SusChemE 2.0) held at Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Mumbai from 14th-16th of September 2023,  Congratulations..!

September 2023:  Mrs. Priya Lokhande gave her PTOC presentation.

August 2023:  Mr. Jayprakash has been selected for PhD programm at Ashoka University, Haryana. Congratulations...

July 2023:  Ms. Kruti Paradkar joined as Ph.D. student in our group, Welcome to the group.

July 2023:  Ms. Priya and kalyani published their work 'Industry-oriented method for the aqueous phase oxidation of crude 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF) to 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA)' in n RSC, New Journal of Chemistry. Congratulations to the authors.

March 2023:  Ms. jyoti Kadam gave her PTOC presentation.

March 2023:  Jyoti & Tufeil published their work "Designing an industrially viable bimetallic catalyst for the polyol synthesis" in RSC New Journal of Chemistry. Congratulations to the authors.

March 2023: Our Lab received the Best Safety Compliance Lab Award during the National safety week celebration 2023 held at CSIR-NCL. Kudos to the team...

March 2023: Mr. Akshay Kote Joined the group as Project Associate-I, Welcome...

February 2023: Dr. Sunita Singh got selected for the Research Associate position at HPCL, Bangalore. Congratulation!

January 2023: Mr. Waseem Shaikh joined the group as project associate-I and Mr. Ranjan Kumar joined the group as Project trainee. Welcome to you both.



December 2022: Mrs. Priya Lokhande received the Best oral presentation price at the 3rd National Seminar on “Frontiers in Heterogeneous Catalysis (HETCAT-2022)” held at MS University, Vadodara in association with Catalysis Society of India during December 10-11, 2022. Congratulations!

September 2022: Mrs. Priya Lokhande Got 2nd prize in Poster Competition, Ms. Lavanya secured 3rd prize in GK Competition and Mr. Jayprakash received a consolation prize for poem writing. which was held on the occasion of Hindi Pakhwada Samaroh 2022 at CSIR-NCL, Congratulations...

September 2022: Congratulations to Mrs. Neha Ghosh for successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis. She has been awarded Ph.D. degree by AcSIR, Ghaziabad, India

August 2022: Mr. Deepak  and Mr. Leo Philip joined the group as Project Associate-I, Welcome to the group

August 2022: Dr. Sunita Singh joined the group as Project Associate-I, Welcome to the group

July 2022: Mr. Ankit, Mr. Rohit, Mr. Tufeil and Ms. Priya Lokhande participated in 'Get Set Start Up' Marathon 2022 organized by Venture Centre, Pune. Ankit won first prize for 3 km, Congratulations!

July 2022: Mr. Sandip Lavare and Athira Murali joined the group as Project Associate-I, Welcome to the group

June 2022: Mr. Jayprakash Prajapati joined the group as Project associate-I, Welcome to the group

May 2022: Mrs. Neha Ghosh has submitted her Ph.D. Thesis to AcSIR, Congratulations...

January 2022: Mr. Akhilendra Mishrah received the prize for Hindi-speech competition

January 2022: Mr. Tufeil Khan joined as Ph.D. student (NCL-PA-PhD program)



September 2021: Mr. Akhilendra Mishra has joined the group as Project Assistant

August 2021: Mr. Rohit Kumar Yadav has joined the group as Project Associate

April 2021: Mr. Dheerendra Singh has joined the Shell Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Banglore as Postdoctoral Researcher.

March 2021: Mr. Ankit S. Tiwari has joined the group as Project Assistant.

January 2021: Congratulations to Mr. Dheerendra Singh for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis. He has been awarded Ph.D. degree by AcSIR, Ghaziabad, India



December 2020: Ms. Neha Ghosh have been awarded 'Indian Chemical Society Research Excellence Award' for the poster presented in 57th Annual Convention of Chemists 2020 & International Conference on Recent Trends in Chemical Sciences’ organized virtually by the Indian Chemical Society, Kolkata during December 26-29, 2020

June 2020: A. K Deepa's Publication on "Lignin Depolymerization into Aromatic Monomers over Solid Acid Catalysts" (ACS Catal. 2015, 5, 1, 365–379- citations 144) has got listed in ACS catalysis highlights of most cited papers from around the globe: India in ACS Catal. 2020, 10, 12, 6786–6787 (DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c02418). Congratulations to the authors......

June 2020: Mr. Dheerendra Singh Submitted the Ph.D. thesis successfully.

May 2020:  AGNIi (@agni_goi) Tweeted:  Dr. Paresh L. Dhepe, Senior Scientist, CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune share insights about the Agri waste-derived alternative to Terephthalic acid in plastic synthesis & its benefits!

February 2020: Mr. Titto Sunil John got selected for the Ph.D. program at the University of Florida, USA

February 2020: Congratulations... to Mr. Manuraj K for receiving the best poster award on the occasion of "National Science Day", 2020 held at CSIR-NCL, Pune.

February 2020: Ms. Priya Lokhande got selected for the joint AcSIR-RMIT PhD program at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.



December 2019 : Mr. Dheerendra Singh gave Pre-synopsis presentation on 27 December 2019

December 2019 : Mr. Shiv Kumar S S  joined as Assistant Professor in Chemistry at Govt. College Gohparu, M P

August 2019: Dr. Paresh L. Dhepe, Ms. Neha Gosh, Mr. Shiv, Ms. Lavanya, and Ms. Jyoti attended APCAT-8 held in Bangkok, Thailand on 4-7th January 2019. Dr.Paresh Dhepe has delivered a talk and Ms. Neha Ghosh, Ms. Lavanya and Ms. Jyoti presented posters.

July 2019 : Mr. Titto Sunil John has joined the group as PA.

July 2019: Congratulations to Dheerendra Singh, Priya Lokhande, Kalyani Sonone for getting third prize in poster competition by Merck "Curious minds"  held in IISER, Pune

March 2019 : Congratulations to Mr.Nilesh Tangale for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis.He has been awarded Ph.D. degree by AcSIR, New Delhi,India

Mr. Shivkumar singh Got 1st prize in General Knowledge Competition and secured 2nd prize in 'Lekhak evam Ghoshvakya Pratiyogita'  held on the occasion of Hindi Pakhwada Samaroh 2019

Mr. Shivkumar singh and team won the Volleyball competition held on the occasion of Research Scholar Meet (RSM) 2019 

March 2019 : Mr. Yayati Naresh Palai has been selected for PhD admission in Hokkaido University, Japan.

January 2019 :Dr. Paresh L.Dhepe received  "NCL RF Scientist of the Year" on the occasion of "CSIR-NCL Foundation Day



September 2018 : Mr.Nilesh Tangale has submitted his Ph.D. thesis successfully

September 2018 : Dr.Shilpa Varshney has joined the group as RA. Welcome Dr.Shilpa

August 2018 : Ms. Lavanya. K,  joined the group as JRF.

June 2018 : Congratulations to Dr. Richa Chowdhary for defending his Ph.D. thesis successfully. He has been awarded Ph.D. degree by AcSIR, New Delhi, India

May 2018 : Congratulations to Dr. Manisha Dhohade for defending his Ph.D. thesis successfully. He has been awarded Ph.D. degree by AcSIR, New Delhi, India

April 2018 : Mr.Nilesh Tangale gave Pre-synopsis presentation on 2 April 2018.

Mr. Shiv kumar Singh secured 2nd Prize in Quiz Competition Held on the occasion of vigilance awareness week 2018

February 2018 : Mr.Nilesh Tangale received the best poster award on the occasion of "National Science Day",2018 held at CSIR-NCL,Pune.

February 2018 : Mr.Dheerendra Singh and Mr.Nilesh Tangale presented posters on the occasion of "National Science Day" ,2018 held at CSIR-NCL,Pune.

February 2018 : Mr.Sandip Kumar Singh has joined Montana State University, Bozeman,USA as a Post Doc fellow.

February 2018 : Mr.Tufeil Khan and Miss. Kalyani Sonone has joined the group as PA.

January 2018 : Our group has actively participated in CATSYMP-23 held in Bangalore,India on 17-19th January,2018. Dr.Paresh Dhepe has delivered an invited talk and Mr.Dheerendra Singh & Miss Manisha Dohade delivered oral presentation in the symposium. Mr.Nilesh Tangale presented a poster at CATSYMP-23.

January 2018: Ms. Priya Lokhande and Ms. Jyoti Kadam have joined our group as JRF and Mr. Yayati Naresh Palai and Ms.Neethu TV have joined our group as PAs.



November 2017: Mrs. Richa Choudhary has submitted her Ph.D. thesis sucessfully

October 2017: Ms. Manisha Dohade has submitted her Ph.D. thesis sucessfully

October 2017: Congratulations to Dr. Sandip Kumar Singh for defending his Ph.D. thesis successfully. He has been awarded Ph.D. degree by AcSIR, New Delhi, India

September 2017: Mr.Sandip Kumar Singh has joined IIT Indore as Research Associate(RA).Hearty Congratulations Sandip

June 2017: Nilesh Tangale, Sandip Kumar Singh, Manisha Dohade and Richa Chaudhari presented posters during "Sustainable Catalytic Technologies" conference held at NCL, Pune on 8th and 9 th June 2017.

May 2017: Mr. Sandip Kumar Singh submitted his Ph.D. thesis to AcSIR.

May 2017: Ms. Richa Chaudhari, Ph.D. student presented her work at International Confrerence - ISGC-2017, France.

May 2017: Ms. Richa Chaudhari, received DST and CSIR travel grant to deliver a talk at International Confrerence - ISGC-2017, France.

April 2017: Ms. Manisha Dohade gave pre-synospsis presentation on 13th April 2017.

January 2017: Mr. Sandip Kumar Singh received best oral presentation award at APCAT-7 conference, Mumbai.

January 2017: Mr. Shankar Gholap joined the group as PA.

January 2017: Mr. Sandip Kumar Singh and Ms. Manisha Dohade delivered oral presentation at APCAT-7, Mumbai.

January 2017: Ms. Richa Choudhari made a poster presentation at APCAT-7, Mumbai.