Welcome to the Research Group of Dr. Rajesh G. Gonnade

The research activities of the group are directed towards the main theme: 'Crystal Engineering of Functional Solids' and 'their Applications'.

Currently, the research group is actively involved in

  • Chemical Crystallography and Evalutaion of Intermolecular Interactions (Hydrogen Bond, Halogen Bond, p-Stacking) 

  • Polymorphs and Multicomponent Crystals (Cocrystals, Salts, Hydrates, Solvates, Eutectics, etc.) of Pharmaceutical Drugs for Novel and Improved Drug Products 

  • Materials (Polymorphs and Cocrystals) for Optoelectronics with Tunable Fluorescence

  • Reactions in Molecular Crystals and Structure-Property Correlations

  • Enantiomeric Resolution (Assymmteric Synthesis) by Preferential Enrichment & Crystallization

  • Teaching Crystallography 

Dr. Rajesh G. Gonnade,

Chief Scientist and Professor, AcSIR

Physical and Materials Chemistry Division, 

CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India. 

Tel.: +91-20-25902225.


Emails: rg.gonnade@ncl.res.inrajeshgonnade@gmail.com

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=GYVAwXwAAAAJ

LInkedin: https://in.linkedin.com/in/rajesh-gonnade-4a531315