Dr. (Mrs.). GVN Rathna
We work on synthesis and modification of polymers, nano-biomaterials, drug delivery formulations ,composites of polymers in the form of nanogels, nanofibers and patterns. Study of structure and property relationship of polymers.Applications of the polymers in the areas of biomedical (wound dressing, drug delivery, tissue engineeering), environmental (waste water treatment, air purifying filters ) and energy.
Research areas
- Biomaterials
- Drug Delivery
- Polymer Synthesis
- Materials Chemistry Including Nanomaterials
- Complex Fluids and Polymer Engineering
- Solar Energy Research
- Dr. (Mrs.). GVN Rathna
Senior Scientist
Office: Room /Lab No. 936, Polymer Science and Engineering Division
National Chemical Laboratory
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road
Pune 411008, India
Phone +91 20 2590 3033
Fax +91 20 2590 2618
E-mail rv.gundloori@ncl.res.in
- Web: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&user=vB8tFlEAAAAJ