Hydrogels as biomaterials, superabsorbent materials
Interpenetrating polymer hydrogel networks, blends, and composites
Polymers are playing very important role in every field of science. there is need for development of new polymers. The properties of the indvidual polymers are insufficient to meet the requirement. Hence polymers are developed in the form of interpenetrating polymer networks, blends and composites. For example in our lab to improve the biocmpatibility studies and we hqve modified the functionality of the polymers and made tthem more compatible. Like wise we alo worked on interpenetrating polymer nextworks. Blends and composites are also prepared . To reduce the global warming we mostly work with natural pased polymers . The developed polymers are targeted for Drug delivery.
- GVN Rathna, " Gelatin hydrogels: enhanced biocompatibility, drug release and cell viability,
Journal of Material Science and Material in Medicine ,19, 2351, (2008)
- GVN Rathna , J.Li and S.Gunasekaran, " Functionally modified egg white albumen hydrogels,
Polymer International 53, 1994, (2004)
- Dibakar Dhara, GVN Rathna, and PR Chatterji, Volume Phase transition in intrepenetrating polymer networks of
poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) and gelatin, Langmuir, 16, 2424, (2000)
Nanofibers, Nanogels, micro and nanopatterns
- Biodegradable and biocompatible polymers are playing very important role in developemnt of nanomaterials. Hence we are designing proteins/polysaccharides blends and composites in form of nanofibers, nanogels and nano/micropatterns for various applications such as wound healing material, scaffolds for tissue engineering , ligand immobilized nanofibers for metal extraction extraction which are available in large quantites and are economical for value added application. The structure property relation of these polymers are being studied.Some of the publications are given below.
- GVN Rathna, Mallinath S. Birajdar, Manish Bhagwani and V.L. Paul “Studies on fabrication, characterization and metal extraction using metal chelating non-woven nanofibers of poly(vinylalcohol) and sodium alginate ” .Polymer Engineering and Science, 1-13, (2012) DOI 10. 1002/pen.
- GVN Rathna JP. Jog, AB. Anil Kumar, “Development of non-woven nanofibers of of egg albumen and poly(vinyl alcohol ) blends : influence of solution properties on morphology of nanofibers”, Polymer Journal 43, 654, (2011).
