
5. Sreekumar Kurungot, Manohar Badiger, Vidyanand Vijayakumar, Meena Ghosh, Arun Torris, An Assembly with Negatively Charged Ionomer Membrane for Aqueous Rechargeable Zinc Metal Battery, US Patent Application US20240405365 A1 (2024)

4. Sreekumar Kurungot, Manohar Badiger, Vidyanand Vijayakumar, Meena Ghosh, Arun Torris, An Assembly with Negatively Charged Ionomer Membrane for Aqueous Rechargeable Zinc Metal Battery, Provisional Indian Patent Application 202111040210 (2021)

3. Sreekumar Kurungot, Manohar Badiger, Bihag Anothumakkool, Arun Torris, Vidyanand Vijayakumar, An Electrolyte Composition and a Process for the Preparation Thereof, Indian Patent, IN 346319 B (2020).

2. Sreekumar Kurungot, Manohar Badiger, Bihag Anothumakkool, Arun Torris, All-solid-state-supercapacitor and a Process for the Fabrication Thereof, US Patent, US 9905371 B2, (2018).

1. Sreekumar Kurungot, Manohar Badiger, Bihag Anothumakkool, Arun Torris, All-solid-state-supercapacitor and a Process for the Fabrication Thereof, PCT Int. Appl. WO 2014/170912, (2014).

Book Chapter:

1. Sonali Naik, Arun Torris, Kiran S, Construction and Application of Bionanomaterials, Chapter 25, In Applications of Multifunctional Nanomaterials, Elsevier, 2020; 567 - 594, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-820557-0.00009-6

Conference Proceedings:

1. Arun Torris A. T., Soumya Columbus, Saaj U. S., Manitha Nair and Kalliyana Krishnan, Evaluation of Biomaterials Using Micro‐Computerized Tomography, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1050, 68 (2008); DOI: 10.1063/1.2999995

2. Vidyanand Vijayakumar, Meena Ghosh, Maria Kurian, Swati Dilwale, Arun Torris, Manohar V. Badiger, Jijeesh Ravi Nair, Martin Winter and Sreekumar Kurungot, Zinc-Ion Conducting Nonaqueous Polymer Electrolyte for Zinc-Metal Batteries Through UV-Light Induced Cross-Linking Polymerization, ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2020-02, A04: Electrolytes, Interfaces and Interphases (2020); DOI: 10.1149/MA2020-02425mtgabs

3. Supriya Sahoo, Premkumar Kothavade, Dipti Naphade, Arun Torris, Praveenkumar Balu, Jan Zareba, Thomas Anthopoulos, Kadhiravan Shanmuganathan and Bhoomishankar Ramamoorthy; 3D-Printed Polymer Composite Devices Based on a Ferroelectric Chiral Ammonium Salt for High-Performance Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting; 7th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials, Jeju, Korea; October 31 - November 3, 2023; Abstract No: 1-1054; Symposium 01: IWPMA; Web: