Research Interest:
Materials and Applications
- Studying the Catalytic behaviour of Hydrotalcites and hydrotalcites doped with heteroatoms
- Functionalization of alkanes - Selective oxidation of ethane to acetic acid.
- Gas to Liquid-synthesis of dimethyl ether (DME) from syngas.
- Selective oxidation reactions, Preparation of heterogeneous catalysts (mixed metal oxide, functionalized mesoporous materials) by various methods (slurry, hydrothermal, sol-gel etc) for different catalytic applications.
- Working to develop a new heterogeneous process for Synthesis of Biofuels ( Biodiesel)
- Operating High pressure and temperature batch reactors (Parr and Autoclave Engineering make)
- BTRS-Jr (autoclave engineering make) pressure reactors (fixed bed reactor)
- Multiple high pressure and high temperature fixed bed reactors
- 5980 and Chemito-India GCs (both on-line and off-line)
Professional Experience
- 2002- Current- Scientist, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India
- 1999 - 2000 Post Doctoral Fellow in The laboratoire de materiaux catalytiques et catalyse en chimie Organique, UMR – 5618, ENSCM-CNRS, 8, Rue de l’Ecole Normale, 34296 Montpellier, FRANCE
- Jan 2002 - Dec 2002 - JSPS post doctoral Fellow: The Department of Materials science and Engineering, Gifu University, Gifu – 501 1193, JAPAN.
Selected Publications
- Wenhao Fang, Cyril Pirez,Mickae¨l Capron,Se´bastien Paul, Thirumalaiswamy Raja,Paresh L. Dhepe,Franck Dumeignilabe and Louise Jalowiecki-Duhamel: RSC Adv., 2012, 2, 9626-9634
- Edwin S. Gnanakumar, Jino C. John, Thirumalaiswamy Raja, Chinnakonda S. Gopinath, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, (2012) Accepted
- T. M. Sankaranarayanan, R. H. Ingle, T. B. Gaikwad, S. K. Lokhande, T. Raja, R. N. Devi, V. Ramaswamy, P. Manikandan.Ca tLett, vol. 121, no. 1, pp. 39-51, 2008
- Darbha Srinivas; Wolfgang F Hoelderich; Steffen Kujath; Michael H Valkenberg; Thirumalaiswamy Raja; Lakshi Saikia; Ramona Hinze. (2008)
- Active sites in vanadia/titania catalysts for selective aerial oxidation of 3-picoline to nicotinic acid. Journal of Catalysis 259 (2008) 165–173;21