- For current record, please visit, https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=2hQcXC4AAAAJ., , (2019).
- Bharat Ravi Iyengar, Beena Pillai, K.V. Venkatesh And Chetan J. Gadgil, Systematic comparison of the response properties of protein and RNA mediated gene regulatory motifs, Molecular BioSystems., 13, 1235 - 1245 (2017), DOI:10.1039/C6MB00808A.
- Pooja Dnyane, Shraddha Puntambekar And Chetan Gadgil, A new method for identification of sensitive nodes in Boolean models of biological networks, IET Systems Biology., , (2017), DOI:10.1049/iet-syb.2017.0039.
- Vishwanathgouda Maralingannavar, Dharmeshkumar Parmar, Tejal Pant, Chetan Gadgil, Venkateswarlu Panchagnula And Mugdha Gadgil, CHO Cells adapted to inorganic phosphate limitation show higher growth and higher pyruvate carboxylase flux in phosphate replete conditions, Biotechnology Progress., 33(3), 749 - 758 (2017), DOI:10.1002/btpr.2450.
- Archana Singh, Vishvabandhu Gotherwal, Päivi Junni, Vinaya Vijayan, Manisha Tiwari, Parul Ganju, Avinash Kumar, Pankaj Sharma, Tanveer Fatima, Aayush Gupta, Ananthaprasad Holla, Hemanta K Kar, Sangeeta Khanna, Lipi Thukral, Garima Malik, Krishnamurthy Natarajan, Chetan J Gadgil, Riitta Lahesmaa, Vivek T Natarajan, Rajni Rani And Rajesh S Gokhale, Mapping architectural and transcriptional alterations in non-lesional and lesional epidermis in vitiligo, Scientific Reports., 7(1), 9860 (2017), DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-10253-w.
- Puntambekar S. S, Nyayanit D., Saxena P. And *Gadgil C. J., Identification of unintuitive features of sumoylation through mathematical modeling, J Biol Chem., , (2016), DOI:jbc.M115.676122.
- *Gokhale S And *Gadgil C.J. , Ranking of reactions based on sensitivity of protein noise depends on the choice of noise measure, Plos One., 10(12), e0143867 (2015).
- Nyayanit D. And *Gadgil C. J, Mathematical modelling of combinatorial regulation suggests that apparent positive regulation of targets by miRNA could be an artifact resulting from competition for mRNA, RNA., 21(3), 307 - 319 (2015).
- Natarajan V.T., Ganju P., Singh A., Vijayan V., Kirty K., Yadav S., Puntambekar S., Bajaj S., Dani P.P., Kar H.K., Gadgil C.J., Natarajan K., Rani R. And *Gokhale R.S., IFN-\gamma signaling maintains skin pigmentation homeostasis through regulation of melanosome maturation, PNAS., 111(6), 2301 - 2306 (2014).
- Iyengar B.R., Choudhary A., Sarangdhar M.A., Venkatesh K.V., Gadgil C.J. And *Pillai B, Non-coding RNA interact to regulate neuronal development and function, Front. Cell. Neurosci., 8, 47 (2014).
- Vijayan V., Deshpande P. (equal contribution) And Gadgil C.J. and *Gadgil M.C., Comparison of methods for identifying periodically varying genes, Int J Bioinf Res Appl., 9(1), 53 - 70 (2013).
- Gokhale S., Hariharan M., *Brahmachari S.K. And *Gadgil C.J., A simple method for incorporating dynamic effects of intronic miRNA mediated regulation, Mol. BioSyst., 8 (8), 2145 - 2152 (2012).
- Gokhale S And *Gadgil C.J. , A mathematical model identifies conditions for 'unexpected' increase in target protein levels due to miRNA regulation, Mol. BioSyst., 8 (3), 760 - 765 (2012).
- Gokhale. S, Nyayanit D. And *Gadgil CJ. , A systems view of the protein expression process, Systems and Synthetic Biology Journal., 5(3), 139 - 150 (2011).
- Subramanian K. And *Gadgil C. J., Robustness of the Drosophila segment polarity network to transient perturbations, IET Systems Biology., 4(2), 169 - 176 (2010).
- Gokhale S., Roshan R, Khetan V., *Pillai. B And *Gadgil C.J., A kinetic model of TBP auto-regulation exhibits bistability, Biology Direct., 5, 50 (2010).
- Vijayan V., Bulsara N., Gadgil C.J. And *Gadgil M., Comparison of Feature Selection and Classification Combinations for Cancer Classification using Microarray Data, Int J Bioinf Res Appl., 5(4), 417 - 431 (2009).
- Gadgil C.J, Size-independent differences between the mean of discrete stochastic systems and the corresponding continuous deterministic systems, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology., 71, 1599 - 1611 (2009).
- *Gadgil C.J., Kulkarni And B.D., Autocatalysis in Biological Systems, AIChE Journal., 55(3), 556 - 562 (2009).
- Gadgil C.J., Stochastic modeling of biological reactions, Journal of the Indian Institute of Science., 88(1), 45 - 55 (2008).
- Gadgil M., Lian W., Gadgil C. And Kapur V. and *Hu W.-S., An analysis of the use of genomic DNA as a universal reference in two channel DNA microarrays, BMC Genomics., 6, 66 (2005).
- Gadgil C.J., Lee C.-H. And *Othmer H.G. (equal contribution), Stochastic model for first order reaction networks, Math. Biol., 67, 901 - 946 (2005).
- Gadgil C.J., Yeckel A., Derby J. And *Hu W.-S., A diffusion-reaction model for cDNA hybridization on a microarray, J Biotechnol., 114(1-2), 31 - 45 (2004).
- Dillon R., Gadgil C.J.(equal contribution) And *Othmer H.G., Short- and long-range effects of Sonic hedgehog in limb development, PNAS., 100(18), 10152 - 10157 (2003).
- Gadgil C.J., Rink A., Beattie C.W. And and *Hu W.-S., A mathematical model for suppression subtractive hybridization, Comparative and Functional Genomics., 3(5), 405 - 422 (2002).
- Gadgil C.J. And *Venkatesh K.V. , Structured model for batch culture growth of Lactobacillus bulgaricus, J Chem Technol Biotechnol., 68(1), 89 - 93 (1997).
- Gadgil C.J., Bhat P.J. And *Venkatesh K.V., Cybernetic model for the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on melibiose, Biotechnol Prog., 12(6), 744 - 750 (1996).