July 2013-Vysakh's paper is accepted in Wiley's new journal Particle. Congrats to Vysakh and co
July 2013- Yogita joins our group as CSIR-JRF.
July 2013- Shilpa joins our group as MTech trainee from CUSAT for a period of one year.
July 2013 - Group got funding from INDO-DUTCH (DST-NWO) bilateral programme on "Functional Materials" involving Technical University of Eindhoven (TU/e), ISM Dhanbad and CSIR-NCL. The funding will allow us to study "Oxidation Catalysis by Gold"
Sept 2013- As a part of his PhD Mr. SunilSekhar has started his three months research stay at University of Lille. He will be working with Dr. Jean Philippe DACQUIN at Lille.
February 2014- Sreedhala got the best poster award during the National Science Day celebrations: Congratulations to the authors Sreedhala and Sudheesh.
April 2014 -Sreedhala and Sudheesh has got their papers accepted in journals "Nanoscale"and "Catalysis Today" respectively. Congratulations to both of them!
July 2014- Ms. Preeti Jain has joined for PhD and Ms. Vidhya Lakshmi for MTech project work. We welcome both of them to CatandMOSS group
August 2014- Congratulations and best wishes to Sudheesh Kumar who will be starting his PhD in catalysis at University of Saskatoon, CANADA.Sudheesh spent 3 years with CATandMOSS group first as MTech project trainee and then as project assistant.
March 2015-Sunil and Vysakh got their papers accepted in ChemCatChem and J. Phys Chem C respectievely. Congratulations to both of them!
May 2015- Sreedhala's paper is accpeted in ChemComm. Congratulations to Sreedhala for this excellent effort!
May 2015 - Our collaborative work with Dr. Vaidhyanathan (IISER, Pune) is accpeted in Scientific Reports!
August 2015 - Group got funding from DST-Nanomission to study Fischer-Tropsch catalyst
October 2015 - Sharad's paper is accepted in RSC Advances. Congratulations and welcome Sharad to publication world!
December 2015 - Anish's paper is accepted in Applied Catalysis A- Congratulations and keep it up, Anish
January 2016- Vysakh's paper is accepted in Catalysis Science and Technology- Congratulations to all the authors and for a great New Year start.
January 2016- Anish's paper is accepted in New Journal of Chemistry. Congratulations to the authors!
January 2016- Vysakh's paper is accepted in Wileys new journal Chemistry Select. Congrats to Vysakh and Co-workers
January 2016- Sreedhala's paper is accpeted in catalysis flagship journal "Journal of Catalysis". Congratulations to the authors Sreedhala and Sudheeshkumar!
February 2016- Sreedhala bags the NCL Research foundation Best Research Scholar in the area of Catalysis for the year 2015. Congratulations to Sreedhala!