- K. Suresh, R. Chulliyil, D. K. Sharma, K. Sarode, V. R. Kumar, A. Chowdhury And G. Kumaraswamy, Single particle tracking to probe the local environment in crosslinked colloidal assemblies, Langmuir., 34, 4603 - 4613 (2018), DOI:10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b04120.
- M. Kumar, N. Patil, A. Ambade And G. Kumaraswamy, Large PAMAM Dendron Induces Formation of Unusual P4332 Mesophase in Monoolein/Water system, Langmuir., 34, 6827 - 6834 (2018).
- A. Sharma, G. Kumaraswamy And S. Thakre., Modelling the Universal Viscoelastic Response of Polymer Fibers, Phys. Rev. Materials., 2, 062601(R) (2018).
- A. Y. Khan And G. Kumaraswamy, Soft, Elastic Macroporous Monolith by Templating High Internal Phase Emulsions with Aminoclay: Preparation, Pore Structure and Use for Enzyme Immobilization, ACS Applied Nanomaterials., 1, 3407 - 3416 (2018).
- S. Chatterjee, A. Potdar, S. Kuhn And G. Kumaraswamy, Preparation of Macroporous Scaffolds with Holes in Pore Walls and Pressure Driven Flows through them, RSC Advances., 8, 24731 - 24739 (2018).
- F. Ram, T. Ambone, A. Sharma, M. Rajarathinam, D. Kajale, V. Borkar, S. Ali, B. Praveenkumar, G. Kumaraswamy And K. Shanmuganathan, Fluorinated Nanocellulose Reinforced All-Organic Flexible Ferroelectric Nanocomposites for Energy Generation, J. Phys. Chem. C., 122, 16540 - 16549 (2018).
- Kumar, M., Kulkarni, M. A., Chembu, N. C., Banpurkar, A., Kumaraswamy And G., Aqueous dispersions of lipid nanoparticles wet hydrophobic and superhydrophobic surfaces, Soft Matter., 14, 205 - 215 (2018).
- Chatterjee, S., Shanmuganathan, K., Kumaraswamy And G., Fire retardant, self-extinguishing inorganic-polymer composite memory foams, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces., 9, 44864 - 44872 (2017).
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- Surwase, S., Balakrishnan, H., Acharya, A., Makharia, G., Kumaraswamy, G., Prasad And B. L. V., An accelerated in-vitro model for occlusion of biliary stents: Investigating the role played by dietary fiber, BMJ-Innovations., , (2017), DOI:10.1136/bmjinnov-2017-000209.
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- Shrivastava, S., Mathai, E., Rajamohanan, P., Ajithkumar, T., Vanka, K. And Kumaraswamy G., Molecular Motifs for Additives that Retard PEO Crystallization, Polym. Eng. Sci., , (2016), DOI:10.1002/pen.24462.
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- Ganai, A. K.; Kumari, S.; Sharma, K. P.; P, a, C.; Kumaraswamy, G*; Sengupta And S*, Synthesis of functional hydrid silica scaffolds with controllable hierarchical porosity by dynamic templating, Chem. Commun., 48, 5292 - 5294 (2012).
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- Pati.D, Kalva. N, Das. S, Kumaraswamy. G, Sen Gupta. S And Ambade. A. V, Multiple Topologies from Glycopolypeptide-Dendron Conjugate Self-Assembly: Nanorods, Micelles and Organogels, J. Amer.Chem. Soc., 134, 7796 - 7802 (2012).
- Sharma. K. P, Ganai. A. K, Sengupta. S And Kumaraswamy. G, Self Standing Macroporous Scaffolds with Controllable Morphology by Dynamic Templating of Surfactant Mesophase Domains, Chem. Mater., 23, 1448 - 1455 (2011).
cover page article
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- Sharma. K. P, Choudhury. C. K, Srivastava. S, Davis. H, Rajamohanan. P. R, Roy. S And Kumaraswamy. G, Assembly of Polyethyleneimine in the Hexagonal mesophase of Nonionic Surfactant: Effect of pH and Temperature, J. Phys. Chem. B., 115, 9059 - 9069 (2011).
- Sreenivas.K, Basargekar. R. S And Kumaraswamy. G, Phase Separation of DMDBS from PP: Effect of Polymer Molecular Weight and Tacticity, Macromolecules., 44, 2358 - 2364 (2011).
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- Sharma. K. P, Aswal. V. K And Kumaraswamy. G, Adsorption of Nonionic Surfactant on Silica Particles. Structure and Resultant Interparticle Interactions, J. Phys. Chem. B., 114, 10986 - 10994 (2010).
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- Kumaraswamy. G, Verma. R. K And Kornfield. J. A, Novel flow apparatus for investigating shear-enhanced crystallization and structure development in semicrystalline polymers, Review of Scientific Instruments., 70 (4), 2097 - 2104 (1999).