Our Research group combines biophysics, synthetic chemistry and molecular biology to develop new approaches for trageting amyloid protein fibrillation and associated neurodegenrative diseases, We are also aiming at developing new polymers and dendritic molecules for addressing this issue. Another area of Interest is Aminoacid based supramolecules for targeted drug delivery applications.
Please refer to the publications for more details. Current Positions: We are currently looking for really motivated students with a good academic back ground to join our group for their MSc/Mtech thesis. Students with MSc and NET/GATE/Inspire Fellowships etc who would like to purse PhD are also encouraged to write to me. Please write to a.jancy@ncl.res.in, if you are interested.
Contact Dr. Jancy Nixon Abraham Office - H-106 Polymer and Advanced Materials Laboratory National Chemical Laboratory Dr. Homibhabha Road Pashan, Pune, Maharashtra -411008 Phone: 0091 2590 2157 email : a.jancy@ncl.res.in