Organic Chemistry Division


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The Organic Chemistry Division is one of the largest departments of NCL, with a long-established international reputation for research and world-class publication track record. The unique strength of the department is its excellence in most of the branches of organic chemistry. Visit the faculty web pages for further details on research areas.


Division of organic chemistry at NCL is constantly looking for the researchers interested in developing their careers in organic chemistry and other overlapping areas of research such as medicinal chemistry, structural chemistry, physical organic chemistry, bioorganic chemistry, biological chemistry, etc. This list is illustrative and not exhaustive since recruitment of an individual depends on his/her capability, accomplishment and self confidence rather than mere expertise in a narrow area of research. NCL does provide start up grant for the newly joined scientists; but they are expected to mobilize funds from external agencies for research as well as to develop and establish their own groups. The academic atmosphere in the organic chemistry division allows scientists to utilize their time and efforts effectively by evolving a schedule consisting of research, teaching, travel and administrative responsibilities. If you are a person with clear ideas for organic chemistry research, supplemented by confidence and prior experience, and have a desire to realize your scientific thoughts in the laboratory, organic chemistry division at NCL is the place you want to be in!