Synthesis of metal carbonyl complexes of molybdenum

Preparation of the molybdenum carbonyl acetylide complex CpMo(CO)3(-CΞCPh) from Mo(CO)6 and its catalytic applications for oxidation of variety of organics using hydrogen peroxide or TBHP as oxidants. A novel and very simple methodology for preparation of CpMoO2(-CΞCPh) from very cheap precursor like MoO3 involving less number of steps and very simple work up procedure and hence very high yield of the final complex. This MoO2 acetylide complex forms corresponding Mo-oxo peroxo complex in presence of H2O2.



Heterogeneous catalysts for valorization of renewables

Novel palladium based catalyst for selective hydrogenation olefinic double bonds ,nitro aromatics and imines.under ambient conditions like room temperature and atmospheric pressure of hydrogen. The catalyst shows selective hydrogenation of olefin, nitro aromatics and imines in presesence of reducible and non reducible functionalities. The catalyst was also tested for industrially important hydrogenation reactions like hydrogenation of various nonedible oils including castor oil to corresponding waxes, edible oil to vanaspati ghee, α-methylstyrene to cumene and 1,4-butynediol to 1,4 butanediol. The catalyst is well characterized by using various physicochemical techniques. It was also demostrated that synthesized catalyst can be used for various organic trasformation such as selective olefin hydrogenation, C-C coupling and epoxide ring opening reactions.


Molybdenum(VI) over various metal oxide supports and its catalytic appalications

Silica supported molybdenum oxide catalysts with varying Mo loadings were prepared by sol–gel technique using novel peroxy precursors. The acidity of the catalysts increased with increase in Mo content. Methanol partial oxidation was used as a probe reaction to confirm the nature of acidity and redox behavior of the catalysts..


Ti-peroxygel and its photocatalytic applications


Titanium based gels for environmental applications like separation and degradation of the organic dyes and organic contaminants from aqueous solution. The effluent coming out of dye and ink manufacturing as well as textile industries is highly colored. This color needs to be removed as well as decomposed before the effluent water is let in the main stream due to regulatory restrictions. Using this gel adsorbent the colored contaminates from aqueous effluent can be initially separated and subsequently decomposed in presence of sunlight thus regenerating the gel which can be reused many times. Some of the advantages of this process are as follows:

Very fast separation of organic dyes from aqueous solution

Decomposition of dyes in sunlight

Easy regeneration, needs only sunlight or low watt UV lamps

Contains 99.997 % water only 0.003% active component hence cost effective

Only two step effluent treatment as against multi step treatment presently used in industries

No secondary effluent generated unlike in presently used technologies in industries

Due to regulatory restrictions effluent treatment is mandatory for all industries having colours effluent; hence this technology has potential in waste water treatment plants


Synthesis of acrylic acid by dehydration of lactic acid    

 Lactic acid is prepared from sugarcane juice and hence becomes renewable material. We have developed a process for converting lactic acid to acrylic acid which is important raw material for polymer industry. PCT application has been filed for this process.


Devlopment of catalyst for removal of NOx from automobile exhaust engines operating undr lean burn condiction

              Hydrocarbon selective catalytic reduction (HC-SCR) of NOx is a powerful technology for the removal of NOx, CO and unburned hydrocarbon from automotive emissions under a large excess of oxygen. is one of the most active and selective catalyst for the SCR of NOx to N2 however it has poor activity in low temperature range which is required for automobile applications, as well as it is highly prone to sulphur poisoning.


                                                    Fig. Catalytic converter

Molecular stimulation using Density Functional Theory (DFT) with the help of Gaussian and Turbomole 6.4 packages

               For previously reported olefin (cyclohexene) oxidation using CpMo(CO)3(-CºCPh) for cis-dihydroxylation, we obtained interesting results. When H2O2 was used as oxidant high selectivity for cis-diol was obtained whereas with THBP as oxidant cyclohexene epoxide was obtained as major product. We have made efforts to study this effect of oxidant (H2O2 v/s TBHP) on the different possible competing mechanisms during the catalysis processcalculations with density functional theory (DFT).

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