Research Interest:

  • Novel Self–Assembled Supramolecular Pi conjugated Polymers
  • Pi conjugated polymers for Energy Harvesting and Energy Storage
  • Polymers for application in sensors
  • Enantioselective Separation using Polymers
  • Hybrid materials for Additive Manufacturing

Professional Experience: 


Place of Employment


Nature of Duties

Dec’20 till date


Chief Scientist

Applied Research and Supervising Ph.D. students

Dec’15 - Dec’ 20


Senior Principal Scientist

Teaching, Applied Research and Supervising Ph.D. students

Dec’11 - Dec’ 15


Principal Scientist 

Teaching, Applied Research and Supervising Ph.D. students

Dec’07 –Dec’11


Senior Scientist

Teaching, Applied Research and Supervising Ph.D. students


CSIR-NIIST, Trivandrum

Junior Scientist

Applied Research and Supervising Ph.D. students


GE Plastics, JFWTC-Bangalore

Polymer Scientist

Industrial R&D

Academic Qualifications: 


University / Institute

Year of Passing



Kerala University, Kerala


Ist class, 93 %, University IVth Rank


Kerala University, Kerala


Ist class, 76 %, University Ist Rank


Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore



Post Doctoral fellow

Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

Aug’2000- Dec’2001



Selected Publications:

  • Wavhal, A. A., Dilwale, S., Puthiyaveetil, P. P., Kakde, N. R., Prakash, M., Kurungot, S., & SK, A. (2024). High-Voltage Symmetric Supercapacitor Electrodes Via In Situ Synthesized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube-Doped Perylenebisimide-Based Donor–Acceptor Conjugate Polymer P (PDI2OD-T2). The Journal of Physical Chemistry C128(31), 12808-12821.
  • Kakde, N. R., Sharma, H., Dalvi, N. V., Vanka, K., & SK, A. (2024). Rational Monomer Design for the Synthesis of Conjugated Polymers by Direct Heteroarylation Polymerization. ACS Polymers Au4(5), 449-459.
  • Pal, S., Gaikwad, Y., & SK, A. (2024). Room Temperature Photocurable PEEK Polymer Formulations for High-Performance 3D Printing Applications. ACS Applied Engineering Materials.
  • Pal, S., & Asha, S. K. (2024). Thiol-ene-based degradable 3D printed network from bio resource derived monomers ethyl-lactate and isosorbide. European Polymer Journal205, 112761.
  • Kakde, N. R., & Asha, S. K. (2023). Exploring SiliaCat Pd-DPP as a recyclable heterogeneous catalyst for the multi-batch direct heteroarylation polymerization for P (NDI2OD-T2). Polymer Chemistry14(23), 2803-2819.
  • Nikam, S. B., Singh, C. P., Krishnamurty, S., & Asha, S. K. (2022). Structure-property insights into chiral thiophene copolymers by direct heteroarylation polymerization. European Polymer Journal181, 111676.
  • Kakde, N. R., Bharathkumar, H. J., Wavhal, B. A., Nikam, A., Patil, S., Dash, S. R., ... & Asha, S. K. (2022). Direct (hetero) arylation (DHAP) polymerization of conjugated polymers–new A–B–A monomer design for P (NDI2OD-T2) & the challenges of adopting DHAP for continuous flow processes. Journal of Materials Chemistry C10(36), 13025-13039.
  • Nikam, S. B., & S. K, A. (2022). Enantioselective separation of amino acids using chiral polystyrene microspheres synthesized by a post-polymer modification approach. ACS Polymers Au2(4), 257-265.
  • Wavhal, B. A., Ghosh, M., Sharma, S., Kurungot, S., & Asha, S. K. (2021). A high-voltage non-aqueous hybrid supercapacitor based on the N2200 polymer supported over multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Nanoscale13(28), 12314-12326.