Catalysis Division


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  • “Chemistry without catalysis, would be a sword without a handle, a light without brilliance, a bell without sound” –Alwin Mittasch

    Catalysis Division of CSIR-NCL work at developing novel heterogeneous catalytic materials for variety of applications including Energy, Environment and Healthcare. We also undertake fundamental surface science studies under in-situ or operando conditions to arrive at molecular level details of bond making and breaking process on a catalyst surface.

    A strong emphasize on converting the performance of the materials to processes with pilot plant facility makes our division unique among others.

    Materials for Hydrogen Generation, Biomass Utilization, Photocatalysis, Surface Science etc are some of the areas that are currently being actively pursued.

    The students can expect to carry out material synthesis, characterization and their catalysis. They will be trained to operate different types of reactors, high end instruments for catalyst characterization and will enjoy the freedom to cut across divisions to acquire cross disipilnary knowledge.



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