Former Group Members
1. Dr. Khushboo Rawat (settled in Germany)
2. Dr. Anurag Shukla (Current Position:Postdoctoral Fellow at Drexel University, Philadelphia)
3. Dr. Rupali Shivapurkar (Research Consultat, KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
4. Dr. Meenakshi Belekar (Current Position: Postdoctrol Fellow at University of California, San Fransisco)
5. Dr. Rahul Salunkhe (Current Position: Post doctrol Fellow at KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
6. Dr.Parag Maru ( Current Position: Postdoctrol Fellow at University of California, Davis)
7. Dr. Tejashri Hingamire (Current Position: Gennova Bio-Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.)