NMR and Peptides Research Group


Current Co-workers 

Dr Abha Dangi (Doctoral Student, CSIR-SRF, June 2017 - Sep 2023)

Mr Sandesh C J (Doctoral Student - Sponsored by BASF, Mumbai)

Mr Abhijit R Patil (Doctoral Student, DST-INSPIRE, June 2019 - )

Mr Sandip M Kamble (Doctoral Student, CSIR-JRF, June 2019 - )

Mr Dinesh R Shinde (Docotoral Student, CSIR-SRF, Sep 2020 - )

Ms Supriya Mahadev Bodake (Doctoral Student, CSIR-JRF, Sep 2020 - )






Mr Sai Akash Gopaluni (BTech summer trainee, currently at John Hopkins University, USA)

Ms Ashwini Chidrewar (Project Assistant)

Dr Archana Ghorpade (Postdoctoral Researcher, SERB-NPDF)

Mr Sakharam Rajesh Waghmare (MSc dissertation)

Ms Haritha Gargi (MSc dissertation)

Ms Linsha Kannan (MSc dissertation)








We are looking for enthusiastic and motivated doctoral and project students who like to pursue research. Graduate students who qualify CSIR UGC-JRF are encouraged to walk in interview at CSIR-NCL, Pune for entry into CSIR-NCL doctoral program. The details of the advertisement shall be updated here. For further infromation please visit www.ncl-india.org/files/AcademicProgramme/Admission.aspx.