The Luwang Research Group
(26th Jan 2020 - Pollab, Praveen, Suman, Niraj, Namdev, Shefali, Shakshi)
Dr Luwang has been promoted to Principal Scientist wef 2022
Dr Luwang gave an Invited Talk in International Conference on "Innovation in Smart and Technomaterials" (2023)
Suman recieved the NCL Best Publication Award (2022)
Anjana & Kush join the group as PhD student (transfered candidate) (2022)
Janardhan joined as PhD student - Industry Sponsored Candidate (2022)
Dr Luwang gave an Invited Talk on ACS-2022, Manipur Iniversity, Manipur (2022)
Praveen's work on hydrogen generation accepted in ACS Inorganic Chemistry (2021)
Praveen's paper on Graphene Nanocomposite for peizoelectric application accepted in MSE-B (2021)
Dr Luwang gave an Invited Talk on "Low Cost Chemical Sensors" at Workshop on Sensors, IIT, Indore
Suman's paper on upconverting nanomaterials published at J Chem Phy (2021)
MoU signed on Sweat Glucose Sensor with Shivaji University, Kolhapur
The work on the detection of explosive materials got a Grant for European Patent on 31st Oct 2019
The work on detection of Arsenic in wastewater got a Grant for US Patent
We are particularly interested in developing high performance nanomaterials for various application in luminescence, catalysis, sensing, biology, device fabrication, energy applications, etc. Our research is highly interdisciplinary and we work at the interface of chemistry, physics, biology, engineering and materials science.
Our group is always on the lookout for selfmotivated, highly enthusiastic students (postdocs, research scholars, master students, etc.) Individuals with great interest in the multidisciplinary research of nanoscience and nanotechnology are encouraged to contact the group leader (Dr. M. N. Luwang).
(PhD Position available)
Contact us
Dr. Meitram Niraj Luwang
Principal Scientist
Office: 504, Ground Floor, PP-1
Chemical Engineering and Process Development (CEPD) Division
CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road
Pune 411008, India
Phone +91 20 2590 2950
Fax +91 20 2590 2621
E-mail mn.luwang@ncl.res.in |