The Luwang Research Group Current Research Interest
Materials detection and device fabrications Luminescence of lanthanide doped nanomaterials do vary on interaction with various materials. Here, we are working on the fabrication of nanomaterials which is used for the detection of various hazardous elements, explosives, etc. Further, efforts are also been done for the fabrication of low cost sensor device prototype. RSC Adv. (2015A), RSC Adv. (2015B), J Solid State Chem (2015), J Lumin (2016) US 2017/0225963 A1 (2017), US 2017/0241970 A1 (2017) WO 2016/020939A1 (2016), WO 2016/024290A1 (2016) IN 2020110561 (2020) Graphene and its composites Graphite Oxide (multi-layer) composite with other materials has a huge application in various field of science, due to its excellent and unique properties. Even though from past decade, immense research has been done by materials scientists in this field, but the clear chemistry is still lacking. Here, we are working to enlightened the clear chemistry between the GO and other materials. Efforts are also been made to understand the structure (nanogates) sandwiched between the GO layers. The nanogate formation also shows enhanced properties for various applications like photocatalytic activities, etc. Efforts are also been made for smart self illuminating kevlar (bullet proof clotting) applications Nature Scientific Reports (2019), MSE-B (2021) IN 202011056178 (2020)
Multifunctional hybrid nanomaterials for biological applications Multifunctional hydrid nanomaterials has been a center of interest for quite a few years. Our group is also taking keen interest in various multifunctional nanomaterials for biological applications. Special interest is given to the bioimaging application of the luminescence nanomaterials. The combination of luminescent and magnetic nanomaterials for bioimaging and magnetic hyperthermia of cancerous cells has been studied. The most difficult part is to retain the individual properties of the nanomaterials and a perfect linking agent for the formation of the hybrid nanomaterials. Further studies in enhancing the properties of the hybrid nanomaterials will be a major aim of this group. Efforts are also been made for drug delivery applications utilizing multifunctional hybdrid nanomaterials. Recently, works on the novel materials for emergency haemostasis (blood cloating) has also been performed. J. Mater. Chem. (2012), Chin Chem Lett (2014) J Chem Phy (2021)
Luminescent nanomaterials We are working on the lanthanide doped nanomaterials and their luminescence properties for various applications. The quenching and recovery of luminescence properties of lanthanide ions due to the incorporation of water molecules into the crystal lattice of the host during the nanomaterials formation has been extensively studied. Specific interest is also given to the role of the double and triple lanthanide doped nanomaterials leading to the enhancement of luminescence properties by energy transfer as well as observance of white light. The application of these luminescence nanomaterials for LEDs application is one of the prime objectives of this group. JACS (2010), JACS (2011), J Mater Chem (2011), App. Surf. Sci. (2014) , J Alloy n Compd (2017) IN 201911004014 (2019) Nanomaterials for catalysis applications In the photocatalysis process recombination of electron and hole play very important role. In order to perform photocatalysis successfully we have to reduce the recombination of electron and hole, to enhance the photocatalysis performances. Here, we are working on some technique like rare-earth (or metal ion) doping to semiconductor or deposition (or coupling) of metal oxide to semiconductor which reduces (delayed) the recombination of charges (electron and hole). New J. Chem. (2014), RSC Adv. (2016)
ACS Inorganic Chemistry (2021) IN 202011056179 (2020)