- Rohit Patil, Dnyanesh Joshi, Rahul More And Neelima Iyer, Smart Wireless Temperature Monitor Control System, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Electronics., Electrical and Computer Science Engineering EEC, (2012).
- Dr. Neelima S. Iyer, Development of embedded system for In-Situ measurements for molecular recognition processes ?, Proceedings of 7th International Conference TIMA 2011, Trends in Industrial Measurements and Automation, at Chennai in January B2., , (2011).
- Neelima Iyer, Rupali Khatavkar And Bhagyashree Joshi, Microconverter ADuC842 and LabVIEW platform ? a best suitable approach for real time plotting of pressure area isotherm of a monolayer , Proceeedings of 5th WSEAS International Conference on Electronics, hardware, wireless & optical communications at Madrid, Spain, Feb. 15-17., , (2006).
- Tanushree Datta, Bhagyashree Joshi, Neelima Iyer, Murali Sastry And B.L.V. Prasad , Assembly of phase transferred Nickel Nanoparticles at Air-Water interface suing Langmuir-Blodgett trough, - , Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology , ., Vol 6, No. 12, (2006).
- Neelima Iyer*, Rupali Khatavkar And Bhagyashree Joshi, Lilliputian Hardware Platform for Scientific Applications Proceedings of International Conference on Embedded and Hybrid System, Vikram UpadhyeNational University of Singapore, Proceedings of International Conference on Embedded and Hybrid System, Vikram UpadhyeNational University of Singapore., , (2005).
- Neelima Iyer*, Bhagyashree Joshi And Rupali Khatavakar, Brewster Angle Microscope ? An excellent tool for Nanoscience Researchers ?Proceedings of International Conference on Nanomaterials NANO2005, Shivakashi, Tamilnadu, , (2005).
- Neelima Iyer*, Rupali Khatavkar And Bhagyashree Joshi, State of art intelligent system for barrier movement of LB trough, at International Conference on Global Signal Processing and Embedded Application GSPx at Santa Clara, USA, , , (2004).
- Bhagyashree Joshi, Neelima Iyer*, S.R. Gowariker And Murali Sastry, Monolayer Imaging and pressure area isotherm plotting with Brewster Angle Microscope coupled with Langmuir trough- Proceedings of International Conference on Instrumentation INCON 2004, Pune, December 19-21 , , (2004).
- Neelima Iyer*, Rupali Khatavakar And Manisha Kulkarni, Controlled sample heating for molecular beam Instrument ?Proceedings of International Conference on Instrumentation INCON 2004, Pune, December 19-21, 200476.Indigenous development of sample heating controller for Molecular Beam Insntrument- Neelima Iyer*, Rupali Khatavkar, Manisha Kulkarni, Proceedings of IASTED Conference at Florida, November 27-30, , , (2004).
- Neelima Iyer*, Rupali Khatavkar And Kiran Jogleka, Smart DownloaderNRK5202 ? A Cost effective solution for embedded engineers,r, presented at High Performance Computing (Asia) Dec, , (2002).
- S.D. Bakare* And Neelima Iyer, Microprocessor Microcontroller revolution at door step ? ? An aid and tools to Instrumentation of tomorrow, by Instrument Society of America-India Section, Bombay, March 20-21, , , (1987).