- Himan Dev Singh, Shyamapada Nandi, Debanjan Chakraborty, Kirandeep Singh, Chathakudath P. Vinod And Ramanathan Vaidhyanathan, Coordination Flexibility Aided CO2-specific Gating in an Iron Isonicotinate MOF, Chemistry-An Asian Journal., 17, e202101305 (2021), DOI:10.1002/asia.202101305.
- Houcine Bouzid, Steven Rodan, Kirandeep Singh, Youngjo Jin, Jinbao Jiang, Duhee Yoon, Hyun Yong Song And Young Hee Lee, Enhanced magnetic moment with cobalt dopant in SnS2 semiconductor, APL Materials., 9, 051106 (2021), DOI:10.1063/5.0048885.
- Houcine Bouzid, Ramchandra Sahoo, Seok Joon Yun, Kirandeep Singh, Youngjo Jin, Jinbao Jiang, Duhee Yoon, Hyun Yong Song, Giheon Kim, Wooseon Choi, Young?Min Kim And Young Hee Lee, Multiple Magnetic Phases in Van Der Waals Mn?doped SnS2 Semiconductor, Advanced Functional Materials., 2102560, (2021), DOI:10.1002/adfm.202102560.
- Anuj Kumar, Ankur Goswami, Kirandeep Singh, Ryan McGee, Thomas Thundat And Davinder Kaur, Magnetoelectric Coupling in Ni-Mn-In/PLZT Artificial Multiferroic Heterostructure and its Application in Mid IR Photothermal Modulation by External Magnetic Field, ACS Applied Electronic Materials., , (2019), DOI:10.1021/acsaelm.9b00435.
- A Kumar, S Pawar, K Singh And D Kaur, Growth temperature modulated phase evolution and functional characteristics of high quality Pb1-x Lax (Zr0.9Ti0.1)O3 thin films, AIP Conference Proceedings., 1953, 100087 (2018).
- D Mallick, R Barman, K Singh, R Prakash And D Kaur, Effect of Mg Content in Ag/Zn1-XMgXO/Cu Structure for Bipolar Resistive Switching Performances, Advanced Materials Letters., 9, 153 - 157 (2018).
- Seok Joon Yun, Dhin Loc Duong, Manh-Ha Doan, Kirandeep Singh, Thanh Luan Phan, Wooseon Choi, Young-Min Kim And Young Hee Lee, Room-temperature ferromagnetism in monolayer WSe2 semiconductor via vanadium dopant, arXiv., , (2018), DOI:arXiv:1806.06479, 2018.
- S Pawar, K Singh, S Sharma, A Pandey, S Dutta And D Kaur, Growth assessment and scrutinize dielectric reliability of c-axis oriented insulating AlN thin films in MIM structures for microelectronics applications, Materials Chemistry and Physics., 219, (2018).
- S Pawar, A Kumar, K Singh And D Kaur, High magnetoelectric coupling in Si-integrated AlN/NiMnIn thin film double layers at room temperature, Applied Physics Letters., 113, 242902 (2018).
- K Singh And D Kaur, Piezoelectric control of magnetoelectric coupling driven non-volatile memory switching and self cooling effects in FE/FSMA multiferroic heterostructures, Journal of Applied Physics., 121, 084104 (2017).
- K Singh And D Kaur, Vertically arrays of Si-LaNiO3/BiFeO3/Au core-shell nano-capacitors for prominent coupled electro-optic effect, Journal of Applied Physics., 121, 114103 (2017).
- K Singh And D Kaur, Room-temperature giant magneto-mechanical-electric cross-coupling in Si-integrated PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 /Ni50Mn35In15 multiferroic heterostructures, Journal of Physics D:Applied Physics., 50, 145002 (2017).
- N Singh, K Singh And D Kaur, Bipolar resistive switching characteristics of silicon carbide nitride (SiCN)-based devices for nonvolatile memory applications, Ceramics International., 43, (2017).
- K Singh And D Kaur, Four Logic States of Tunneling Magnetoelectroresistance in Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloy Based Multiferroic Tunnel Junctions, Applied Physics Letters., 111, 022902 (2017).
- K Singh And D Kaur, Tunable Multiferroic Properties of Mn Substituted BiFeO3 Thin Films, Ceramics International., 42, (2017).
- K Singh And D Kaur, Temperature Attuned Charge and Strain Co-mediated Giant Magnetoelectric (M-E) Coupling for Non-volatile Memory Device Applications, Springer Proceedings in Physics., 164, (2017).
- N Singh, K Singh And D Kaur, Electric field involved transport at elevated temperature in nanocrystalline silicon carbide nitride (nc-SiCN) thin films for harsh environment applications, Current Applied Physics., 17, (2017).
- N Singh, K Singh, A Pandey And D Kaur, Improved electrical transport properties in high quality nanocrystalline silicon carbide (nc-SiC) thin films for microelectronic applications, Materials Letters., 164, 28 - 31 (2016).
- K Singh, S Pawar And K Davinder, Reduced Substrate Clamping Effect And Evidence Of Shape Memory Behavior In Vertically Aligned Ni-Mn-In Nanorod Arrays, Applied Materials Proceedings., 2, (2016).
- V Goyal, N Choudhary, K Singh And D Kaur, Structural and optical properties of (001)-oriented vanadium pentoxide nanorods, Nanomaterials and Energy., 1, 54 - 63 (2015).
- K Singh And D Kaur, Manifestation of martensitic phase transformation and magneto-caloric properties in high quality magnetron sputtered Ni–Mn–In//Si ultra thin films, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical., 236, 247 - 256 (2015).
- K Singh And D Kaur, Quantification of charge-to-strain mediated interface coupling transfiguration in FE/FSMA multiferroic heterostructures, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics., 49, 035004 (2015).
- K Singh And D Kaur, Direct and converse magneto-electric coupling in ferromagnetic shape memory alloys based thin film multiferroic heterostructures, Applied Physics Letters., 107, 262901 (2015).
- K Singh, S K Singh And D Kaur, Strain mediated coupling in magnetron sputtered multiferroic PZT/Ni-Mn-In/Si thin film heterostructure, Journal of Applied Physics., 116, 114103 (2014).
- D Kushwaha, Ravikant, Singh, Kirandeep Singh, Aggarwal And Monika, Fabrication and Characterization of Pulsed Laser Deposited Lead Free Thin Film Capacitors, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology., 2, (2012).
- Anshu Gaur, Preetam Singh, Nitin Choudhary, Deepak Kumar, Mohammad Shariq, Kirandeep Singh, Navjot Kaur And Davinder Kaur, Structural, optical and magnetic properties of Nd-doped BiFeO3 thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition, Physica B: Condensed Matter., 406, 1877 - 1882 (2011).